Storage Monthly Charges
This option allows the company to charge its customers with the monthly cold services.
First go to main menu and click on First, go to the main menu and click on Inventory/Cold Storage/Storage Monthly Charges.
1- By selecting this option the user will be able to see which customers are due for the a “Monthly Charge”, by default the system will use the actual day as a date. You can easily change the date and the list of customer will change according to your selection. (NOTE: The customers which due date is after the selected date WILL NOT appear on the list.)
2- If you change the date, click on the “Refresh” button to update the list.
3- Select a customer and click on the “Add Charge” button. The system will ask you to enter the rate for this charge, once you finish click on “Ok”.
4- At this point the BSC Software will open the “Charge” window to post the transaction on the system.
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