Purchase Order

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Purchase Order


This form allows the user to add, modify and delete Purchase Orders. They are used in the procurement process to obtain the merchandise the company will store in the warehouses and later sell to the customers. This form will convert the Purchase Orders to Receiving Records, it will allow to change the price list information for the items involved and it will let you clone the PO to create an exact copy. The Purchase Orders will not affect any GL accounts and they only affect the Item’s On Order Quantities after a receiving is created. You can print the internal and external PO from this form.


Create a New Purchase Order

1- Press the New Button in the Lower left hand side of the screen. This will clear all contents from the form and position the cursor over the customer search button. If you have an unsaved Purchase Order when you click new, the system will prompt you to save the data before continue

2- The “Date” field will show today’s date by default. However, you can change that information by clicking in the date/time picker selection button. The Due Date Field will show the appropriate date according to the Payment terms. The “Ship Date” Field will also show the current date but you should enter an estimate of this order receiving date.

3- Search for a vendor either by pressing the Yellow Folder Button or entering the vendor Id in the text box and pressing enter.

4- When you bring the vendor information to the screen all the Bill To/Remit to fields are filled with the customer information. In addition to that, the Ship Via and Payment Terms are added based in the Vendor’s Information, you can change that by opening the drop down list.

5- The order by field is shows the User logged in and the Warehouse Field the Default Warehouse for this Company. You can change that by opening the dropdown list and clicking on the right choice.

6- If you want to edit the vendor information or you need to add a new vendor to the company, click the “Red Notebook” button to open the vendor setup form (See Customer Setup)

7- Enter any reference number (if available) in the “Confirmation#” field. In addition to that, you can enter the vendor’s invoice number this Purchase Order represents in the “Vendor Invoice#” field.

8- To add Items Directly to the Purchase Order, enter the Item Id or Product UPC below the “Enter Item Id” label, press Enter and the cursor will go to the Qty Field. Enter the desired Qty in there and press enter. The Purchase Order will query the database for that Item. If the Item is found, it is added to the grid below. If the Item is not found the search screen will open.

9- The search screen can be opened either by pressing the “Add Items” button on the Purchase Order or by not finding the Item ID/UPC in the direct entry box. This form will allow you to search for an Item based on the Item’s category, description, ID, UPC and Prefer Vendor. In addition to this, you can also filter your selection by showing Items below reorder point or with zero quantity in one or all warehouses. The Items come to the grid below showing their Reorder Quantities in the Qty Column. You can either accept that number or change it before adding the Items to the Purchase Order.

10- Once you find the Item or Items you are searching for you can check the ones you want to bring to the Purchase Order, Press the Select Button and close the search form. Whenever you open the Sales screen from a Purchase Order, the selected vendor is copied in the Search window vendor field. This allows you to bring only the items this vendor provides to you.

11- The items are added to the grid at the last Cost. After the Item is added the user can change the Qty, Invoice Cost, and Bill back columns

12- If this Item is a Batch Controlled Item, you will be prompted to select from the list of batches for this Item and that information will show in the grid. If you decide to use a different batch just press the batch button in the desired line to open the Batch Selection screen again. If you decide to create a new batch for this line Item, just enter the batch number in the appropriate column, click the Exp Date Button and select the appropriate date. The new Batch is created when the purchase order generated from this receiving is posted

13- Click the “UOM” button to change the Unit of Measure of the selected line Item. After you select the desired UOM from the list, the cost for that line item will be updated accordingly.

14- When you select an Item, the Bin Information comes based on the “Warehouse” for the Purchase. If the user wants to change the Bin where the items are taken from, he/she needs to click the “Bin” button to open a list of available warehouses and Bins within those warehouses.

15- Catch weight Items are added according to their average Weight. You cannot change the Weight information in this form. That it is done in the Receiving.

16- If the Item you have added to the Purchase Order has a vendor code assigned to the current vendor that will show in the “Vendor Id” column. (See Setup Item Vendor Codes)

17- Before Saving, Updating or posting the user can enter a discount percentage that will be applied to the subtotal of the Purchase Order. In addition to this, the user can add a miscellaneous charge percentage or a Freight amount. All of those figures will affect the Purchase Order total and will be copied to the Receiving once it is created.

18- When all the information is in place, Press the Save Button to complete the Purchase Order and assign a Purchase Order number. This action is not going to affect any account balances or Inventory levels in the company.

Edit Purchase Order

1- After you have saved a Purchase Order and closed the form, you can always come back and edit that information. If you know the Purchase Order number you can enter in the appropriate field to bring that Purchase Order up. In addition to that you can press the Search button to find the intended Purchase Order by Salesperson, Order Document or Vendor.

2- After you have the Purchase Order in the form, you can make any changes to it and press update. The Update button will save your changes to that database and it will let you know if someone else is working on the same Purchase Order. If that is the case you will be prompted to refresh your data, make the changes and Update again.

Print Reports

1- Press the Print Button to get the Purchase Order Reports. When you do that, a Message Box Opens will ask if you want to print the Purchase Order showing, the regular price for the ordered items along with the prices for two of the company’s price lists (Purchases Preferences). That report Is for internal use only and it helps to determine how profitable this Purchase Order is. On the other hand, if the user clicks “No” in the confirmation message box, a regular PO Report will open with just the information contained in the current PO. This report is the one that Is sent to the vendors.

Price Structure

1- If you want to edit the Price List Information for the items of this purchase order, click the “Price Structure” Button. This will open a form that contains all the items in the current Purchase Order. Following the general Item Information, there is a column per every price list in the system. If the current Item has been already added to that price list, you can see that price in the appropriate column. If the Item is not currently in that price list, the pricing will be $0.00. On the Other hand, the user can modify those prices right on the Grid and hit save to update the Price List Information. This action can also be done in the receiving form

Convert Purchase Order

1- Click the Convert button if you are sure about creating a receiving record based in this purchase order. The system will ask you if you want to delete the Purchase Order after it has been converted. If you click Yes, a new receiving record is created based and this Purchase Order is deleted. If you click No, a new receiving record is created and this Purchase Order is not deleted. Either way, the newly created Receiving Document will have a document number similar to the Purchase Order that originated it “dash” the number of times this Purchase Order has been converted (PO# 1030, REC# 1030-1).

2- You can create an unlimited number of receiving documents based in the same Purchase Order. This allows you to have a PO as a template. Every time you create a new receiving document the inventory on order for the items in the purchase order is increased. On the other hand, converting a Purchase Order is not going to affect any GL Accounts.

Clone Purchase Order

1- Click the Clone button to create a carbon copy of this purchase order. This can be a very useful feature if the user repeats this purchase order on a regular basis. This feature differs from converting a Purchase Order and over again, because the cloning will create a Purchase Order with a different Document Number from its originator.

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