Pay Multiple Vendors

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Pay Multiple Vendors


This form allows you to pay multiple Receivings and Vouchers associated o many vendors. You will be able to generate checks that include up to 20 transactions per vendor. You can search the transactions based on Due Date or Discount Date. In addition to that you can preview the checks before posting to GL. This form also gives you a snapshot of the bank account used for the payments. The user can change that account at any time and change the check sequence as well.


1- Open the Pay Multiple Vendors form by clicking on Purchasing/Pay Multiple Vendors. The form opens showing transactions due until today’s date. In the left part of the form information from the company’s default bank account will show.

2- Select in the “Search By” dropdown “Due Date” or “Discount Date”. Adjust the date in the criteria field and tab away. This action will refresh the content of the grids in the form to reflect the right transactions.

3- Select the Vendors you want to pay by clicking on the button on the apply column of the uppermost grid. In addition to this you can press the select all button to pay all vendors

4- Press the “Unselect all” button to undo any selections

5- Select the individual Receivings and Voucher you want to pay by clicking the button on the apply column of the lower grid.

6- Enter any discounts to the Receivings and Vouchers in the lower grid. You can also change the applied amount of your payment.

7- Anytime you select or unselect payment options the “Check Total” and End Balance Text boxes in the right side are affected.

8- Press the search button to the right of the Bank Account text box to select another bank account to make these checks.

9- Press the Preview button. This action will show you a copy of the checks to be printed with the word “Void” all over.

10- Press the Post Button. A message will remind you to put the checks in the printer before continuing. When you hit ok you will see a preview of your final checks. You can print that check by clicking on the “Printer Icon” in the top of the form.

11- When you print the checks and the form is closed you will be prompted to say if the Checks printed Correctly before posting the transaction

12- If you click No, the system will ask you if you wish to void all the checks. If you decide not to void all the check you will get an input box asking for what checks to void.

13- If click on Yes after closing down the check printing screen, the transaction will be posted.

14- You can click on the Refresh button after posting some checks to reflect only unpaid transactions on the form.

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